Welcome to My Home Page

I created this web site so that I can share my trips and current activities with my friends who are spread across the country and some in Europe without flooding their e-mail box with graphics.  This web site is kind of ad hoc and basic but at least it's not an empty shell like before.  I try not to use JavaScript but we'll just have to see.  Meanwhile, I do have some ideas for improvements but time is always slipping away from me like an elusive dream.  Besides, I have a couple of other web sites that are higher priorities over this one right now.

Travelogue contains ramblings from my travels.  It is stuck with just Yosemite and Austin for the last 4 years.

Picture Shown:  Yosemite

Friends Deployed has pictures and videos sent to me from friends who are deployed to Kuwait and Iraq.  There are a lot of "must see" pictures.

Picture Shown:  "Chillin'" can be found under "Life in Iraq for the 101st FSB"/"Captured Moments"

Photographs are pictures taken on my trips to appease Hermes, the god of travel.  This topic shows more promise since you-know-who threaten to use my photos on his website if I don't.  More Nevada pictures to come!

Picture Shown:  Red Rock Canyon, Nevada

Humor contains funnies sent to me over the years.  I've gotten tired of losing some really good ones so I've started to post them here.

Picture Shown:  One scared kitty kat

My old Drawings, enough said.

Picture Shown:  Impish Little Stephen

Basement Demolition is taking over my life right now.  I guess it a journal of our basement remodeling progress.  Ever tried digging out our basement to make it deeper and removing beams that were supporting the house while you're still living in it?

Picture Shown:  Back hoe in our back yard